Ehden Family Tree is a nonprofit family history website dedicated to connect families originated from Ehden & Zgharta across generations.
We work to preserve and share the largest collection of genealogical and historical records for all our families in the world.
We create the link to help people discover who they are by exploring where they came from.
Ehden Family Tree is free of charge to all users who are searching for their ancestors and relatives.
We continue to give and create because of many benefactors...
Ehden Family Tree is privately held and based in Zgharta - Ehden, Lebanon
If you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.
Legacy is a priceless gift that we inherit deep down from our glorious ancestors. It is a dynasty for which we ought to sanctify our sincere efforts in order to tighten the family bonds and protect our descendants from being lost in the undisciplined chaos.
This blessed lineage we descend from has the power of keeping us feel safe and accumulate the very advantages which we, in our turn, must bestow to our children.
"ehdenfamilytree.org" is to be used for the many benefits our blood lineage can receive, as well as the strength we can get to maintain the national ties within Lebanon and abroad.
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana